About Required Reporting
Associate Vice President for Equity and Title IX Officer
About Required Reporting
The University is committed to ensuring that members of the University community who share information regarding their experience of sexual misconduct receive the resources, support, and information about process options, including how to file a complaint with the Office of the Associate Vice President for Equity and Title IX Officer.
The University is also committed to monitoring reports and complaints of sexual misconduct to identify any patterns or systemic problems so that they can be addressed.
Consistent with these commitments, the AVP-Title IX Officer should be advised when incidents of sexual misconduct are disclosed to someone who is a Required Reporter.
Required Reporters
Required Reporters under the Sexual Misconduct Policy include individuals who work in one of the Official Reporting Offices or individuals whose role requires them to consult with the AVP-Title IX Officer:
- Division of Human Resources, including human resources staff in the Schools and Centers;
- Deans, Vice, Associate, or Assistant Deans in the 12 Schools;
- Vice, Associate, or Assistant Provosts;
- Office of Equal Opportunity Programs (OEOP); and
- Division of Recreation and Intercollegiate Athletics (DRIA).
Anyone may contact the Office of the AVP for Equity and Title IX Officer for a consultation and to discuss reporting obligations.
Making a Report as a Required Reporter
In addition to taking other appropriate action, Required Reporters should promptly report to the AVP-Title IX Officer any information that has been disclosed to them to ensure that the impacted person receives appropriate support and has the opportunity to meet with the AVP-Title IX Office, or their designee, to talk about the process options available to them.
Required Reporters should provide the following to the AVP-Title IX Officer:
- The information shared during the disclosure,
- The name of the person who made the disclosure,
- The name of the impacted person(s), if different than the person who made the disclosure,
- The name of the person alleged to have engaged in sexual misconduct, if this information was disclosed.
To satisfy their reporting requirement, Required Reporters may submit a report to the AVP-Title IX Officer by phone, email, or online reporting form:
Michele Rovinsky-Mayer, AVP-Title IX Officer
Phone: (215) 898-2887
Email: titleIXofficer@upenn.edu
Use this link to make an online report.
Please see FAQs for more information about Required Reporting.